Free, Professional Assessment;

Our quote process is 100% free and you are under no obligations. We will come out to your location to assess the job properly, provide you with an honest appraisal, identify the problem(s) and let you know if we can help fix the concrete areas in question. The quote process involves taking measurements and pictures along with doing some calculations. We use a professionally developed tablet based application specific to concrete lifting to determine the scope of work and develop your estimate. Once the estimate is complete, we will print it or email it to you for your review and consideration before you make any final decisions. You are under no obligation or pressure to go forward with any work.

No Job Is Too Small

Depending on the size of the concrete area needing to be lifted, some jobs can be done for as little as a few hundred dollars. Of course, larger jobs will typically require more work and polyurethane material and as such, will typically cost more. We will make every effort to provide you with a firm price quotation so you are only paying the price you are quoted.

Every Situation is Unique

There are times where Polyurethane foam lifting may not be ideal and a full replacement of the slab may be necessary. We won’t take on a job where we believe there is a low chance of success. At the completion of every job, our customers’ complete satisfaction is our priority; in terms of both the finished work and the value we provide.
Please contact us, and we will be happy to help you.

Sample Estimate